Thursday, July 30, 2009

Does c# programs need special drivers like visual basic programs?

I remember when I was taking visual basic 6.0 corses that in order to run visual basic programs you needed to install vbrun500.dll or something like that. But in the new visual studio 2005 does visual basic still need those drivers installed on the users machine and does c# need drivers installed on the users machine?

Does c# programs need special drivers like visual basic programs?
No, your users just need to have the .NET Framework installed.

If you're using Visual Studio.NET 2005, your users need the .NET 2.0 Framework, which is available as a free download from Microsoft. It's also installed by default on Windows Server 2003, Vista and I believe as part of the XP service pack 2.
Reply:There is a way to package it with your app when you create the installable (.msi) package. I can't remember off hand how to do it, but I think I have some docs at home that I got from MSDN. I will look when I get there, and post additional details if I find it. If I remember correctly, it will not just automatically install the framework, but will prompt the user to ask them if they want to install it, and if they accept, install it along with the app.

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