Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What are Visual Studio Express keyboard shortcuts for code folding, definition following?

I'm used to the codefolding and code navigation shortcuts in Netbeans for java, and recently started working on some C# and C++ code in Visual Studio Express. Can any gurus with these IDEs lay down the skinny on any keyboard shortcuts for code folding, auto formatting, or code navigation?

In particular, I would like to know any shortcut for folding and unfolding all code blocks, and folding or unfolding individual code blocks, an keyboard shortcuts for auto-indenting code, and any keyboard shortcuts for going to a definition and navigating back and forth in the list of editing places.

What are Visual Studio Express keyboard shortcuts for code folding, definition following?
For Visual Studio .NET the keyboard shortcuts are found at the first link below.

For Visual Studio 2005, the keyboard shortcuts are found at the second link.
Reply:Here's a more immediate answer for those curious:

Ctrl+M,Ctrl+M will expand/collapse current branch

Ctrl+M,Ctrl+L will collapse/expand everything - useful for scanning methods

Ctrl+M,Ctrl+O will collapse to defined things - or close to, anyway.

Goto declaration/definition

F12 / Ctrl+F12 Report It

Reply:Another useful shortcut

Ctrl+K,Ctrl+F - autoindent selected region

These shortcuts were in the long lists pointed to above too. I haven't found the back/forward navigation akin to the Netbeans shortcuts (alt-K and alt-L) Report It

spring flowers

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