Saturday, May 22, 2010

In c++ how can you figure out?

in c++ how should you write in visual studio that if it is a a leap year the computer will display leap year or else it will display it is not a leap year for example if i put 1992 i want the computer to tell me it is not a leap year rather 1994 is a leap year

In c++ how can you figure out?
Here is a quick algorhythm

bool leap;

int year = 1994;

if (!(year % 4))

if (!(year % 100)) {

if (!(year % 400)) {

leap = TRUE;

} else {

leap = FALSE;


} else {

leap = TRUE;


} else {

leap = FALSE;


Basically, it is a leap year if the year is divisible by 4, except if it's divisble by 100 when it's not, except if it's divisible by 400, when it is.

So, 1600 was a leap year, but 1700 and 1800 wasn't, but 2000 was.
Reply:Years evenly divisible by 4, but not by 100 are leap years (unless they're evenly divisible by 400).
Reply:Is this it?

Function IsLeapYear(ByVal SomeValue As Variant) As Boolean

On Error GoTo LocalError

Dim intYear As Integer

'The trick here is make sure that we get an integer

'The 3 Golden rules are:

'True if it is divisible by 4

'False if it is divisible by 100

'TRUE if it is divisble by 400

If IsDate(SomeValue) Then

intYear = CInt(Year(SomeValue))


'try and get an integer from the parse

'does not matter if we get an error

'because the error trap will catch it

intYear = CInt(SomeValue)

End If

If TypeName(intYear) = "Integer" Then

IsLeapYear = ((intYear Mod 4 = 0) And _

(intYear Mod 100 %26lt;%26gt; 0) Or (intYear Mod 400 = 0))

End If

Exit Function


IsLeapYear = False

End Function

WAIT - I'm a dork - that's VB. Hang tight I'm looking...

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